Production process

Accepted manuscripts will undergo production in-house. This will involve typesetting, copy-editing, proof-reading, and re-drawing of any graphics where needed. Authors will receive proofs of their article for approval and sign off.

Please note that once the author receives the copy of their article for approval, our production department will need to hear from them within a tight deadline to ensure the issue is published on schedule. If you believe you may be away and unable to check the galley proofs at any point, please let the Journal Editor know.

  • Manuscript accepted by Journal Editor, and sent to the Production team
  • Manuscript is typeset, figures/tables formatted, and house styles applied
  • Author receives an email with the galley proof
  • They are asked to:
    • Answer any queries highlighted by the Production Editor
    • Conduct any final minor edits to the text that they wish to make
    • Sign the article back over to the Production Editor
  • The JORAM Production Editor will look over the edits, add in any figures that are pending, and return the proof to the author for approval
  • This process may be repeated until all the Production Editor’s queries have been addressed
  • The Production Editor then creates a final PDF of the article, and conducts any final edits to the layout, etc. – at this point, the article content and layout is finalized
  • Article is published online, in the journal’s ‘Early Pub’ section
  • Once all the articles for a journal issue are complete, they are compiled into the final journal issue and assigned page numbers